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== Equipment ==
== Equipment ==
Read the [[Lighting Equipment in the Lynda Lab]]
Read the [[Lighting Equipment in the Lynda Lab]] article for more information.
=== Lights ===
=== Lights ===

Revision as of 14:46, 6 January 2025


The Lynda Lab is a medium sized video production studio.

  • Is equipped with a variety of lighting equipment and accessories. 
  • Students need to bring their own camera and camera tripod.  
  • Is available for students to use for academic use. 
  • The lab requires the proficiency badge. 


  • The Lynda Lab is in Evans 1350.
  • From the lobby walk past the Multimedia Lab and turn left at the garbage and recycling station.


General Policies

  • No food or drinks of any kind are allowed in the labs.
  • Alcohol, drugs, vaping and smoking are not allowed anywhere in the buildings.
  • Take care of yourself and remember to take a break once in a while.
  • Clean up after yourself.  
  • Do not delete other students' files.
  • Do not unplug or remove anything from the spaces.
  • Make sure the door is closed and locked when you leave the lab.
    • Do not leave doors propped open if the room will be temporarily unoccupied, even if you are only running to the restroom.
  • Only use your scheduled time.
  • Return keys and equipment promptly to Media Loan or to the Library Circulation Desk.
  • Reports any lab problems by following the Report a problem in a media lab procedure.
  • Be courteous and respectful to the other users of the labs and all student employees.
  • Follow the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities and the Social Contract.


  • If you need help, look for a video intern in the CCAM Media Engineering across the hall or go to the Multimedia Lab 1404.

Overhead and Recording Lights

  • When you walk in the door the switch for the overhead lights is to the right.
  • When facing the wall, the switch on the right is for the overhead lights.
  • The switch on the left is for the Recording light in the hallway.
    • Turn on the Recording lights while recording to prevent interruptions
    • Make sure to turn of the Recording light when done.

Lighting Grid

  • There is a lighting grid in the ceiling of the lab.
  • Do not use the light grid without permission and training from the staff


Read the Lighting Equipment in the Lynda Lab article for more information.


Nanlite MixPanel

What’s included in the Nanlite MixPanel bag:

  • Nanlite MixPanel 60
  • Power cable
  • DC15 Adapter
  • Barn Doors

Nanlite Tubes

  • Two sizes of Nanlite Tubes can be found in the Lynda Lab, 2 feet and 4 feet.
  • Both sizes operate the exact same way.
  • These lights are rechargeable. Make sure to set them up to charge after each use.

Nanlite Forza 60C

  • We have a set of 3 Nanlite Forza 60C lights with some accessories.
  • These can be found in the larger black hard case.
  • These lights are a bit more directional than the other lights mentioned previously.

Nanlite PavoBulb 10C

  • The Lynda Lab has a set of 4 Nanlite PavoBulbs.
  • These lights are quite a lot of fun, but more situational than some of the other lights in this space.


9.5’ Impact Black Stand

  • This is a great one size fits all kind of stand. It extends up to 9.5 feet and can hold up to 22 pounds.
  • This stand also has air-cushioning in the telescoping pole, meaning when the locking knobs are loosened, the risers will descend slowly which protects both the gear and the grip!

3’ Impact Black Stand

  • This stand is a great choice for lighting things closer to the ground or getting rid of shadows.

Avenger Roller Column Stand

  • This stand is a bit heavier duty than the ones listed before.
  • It is also on wheels which make it easy to move around set if necessary.

Large C-Stand

  • These stands come with a large gobo arm where lights can be attached.



  • Flags can be used for controlling the various lighting instruments that we have here in the Lynda Lab.
  • Flags can be mounted onto stands and positioned in front of lights for various effects.
  • We have multiple different types of flags here in the Lynda Lab.
    • Cutter (Black flag): This completely blocks light. Great for intentionally shaping light.
    • Silk (Off white flag, yellow trim):  Diffuses and reduces the amount of light.
    • Double Scrim (Black net, red trim): Reduced amount of light by one stop.
    • Wooden Cucoloris (a.k.a. Cookie): Kind of like a stencil for light, it can be used to add shapes in light (e.g. foliage effect)

Lanterns and Softboxes

  • Lanterns and softboxes can be used to shape and diffuse light.
  • Most of the lanterns and softboxes that can be found in the Lynda Lab are compatible with the Nanlite Forzas, with only one fitting the Nanlite MixPanel.

Paper Rollers

  • The paper rollers are found hanging from the ceiling near the door to the Lynda Lab.
  • They have colored pulleys next to them to roll/unroll them.
  • These paper rollers are great for creating solid color backgrounds, perfect for filming interviews.

Additional Grip Gear

  • Apple boxes: These can be used to prop objects up or increase the height of a subject that you are filming/photographing.
  • Clamps: Used for various reasons, such as to attach gear to a stand.
  • Sandbags: Can be placed on the base of a stand, helping to ensure that it does not tip over.
  • Extension cords: Allows you the flexibility to place lights wherever you need in the Lynda Lab.
  • Tape: Useful for taping cords down to avoid tripping.