Scheduling General Access Media Labs

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Revision as of 13:16, 7 December 2023 by Krusea (Talk | contribs)

This article describes the scheduling and key checkout procedure for the general access media labs that require keys.

The Multimedia Lab is a staffed lab and has similar scheduling procedures but does not require a key or proficiency to use the lab.


  • 2D and 3D Animation Labs
  • Audio Mixing Benches
  • SFX Lab
  • 5.1 Mix Room
  • Video Edit Suites
  • 16mm Film Editing


The labs can be scheduled in multiple ways.

Proficiency and Badges

In the Schedule Evergreen system we track access and proficiencies with a tag labeled Badges.

Students need to have the appropriate access badge and the proficiency badge to schedule a lab.

Proficiency Badges

  • Most labs have a technical proficiency.
  • The proficiencies can be a combination of online and/or hand-on training
  • Most proficiencies are good for 5 years

Access Badges

  • Our labs also have access badges
  • The access badge for a lab is the approved users for the current quarter
  • Access badges are assigned to:
    • Students enrolled in approved courses and programs
    • Other proficient students with access approved by staff

Com Building Late Night Access Badge

  • Students need the Com Building Late Night Access badge to be in the building past regular building hours.
  • Read the Late Night Access - Com Building article for more information.

Key Checkout

Once a lab is scheduled you will need to check out a key from Media Loan.

  • Media Loan has limited hours. 
  • You need to plan ahead and schedule time in advance so that you can check out the key from Media Loan.
  • Return the keys to Media Loan at the scheduled time to avoid late fees

Lab Access

  • Only use your scheduled time.
  • Students can only be in the labs during the building open hours.
  • You must leave the lab and the building before the building is closed.
  • Key fob logs and computer login records will be compared to the scheduled lab times