Enrollment Information for Canvas

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Help for Faculty and Staff

Canvas allows us to create a dynamic class list. When students enroll in your offering via Registration they are added to your offering that same day. However, they may not have access to the offering's Canvas site up to 24 hours following registration.

When will students be added to my course and when will they have access?

  • Students are enrolled to curricular Canvas sites after they register* - however, students will not have view/interactive access to the site until the site is published by faculty.
  • *When students register for your offering, they are enrolled to your offering that same day, though it may take up to 24 hours for student enrollment to connect to the offering's Canvas site.
  • Students admitted to an ongoing (multi-term) offering will be added to Canvas sites the Friday of Evaluation Week of the prior quarter. For example, Winter Quarter students joining an ongoing Fall offering will be added (back-enrolled) to the Fall Canvas site the Friday of Evaluation Week of Fall Quarter.

What if I see student names I do not recognize?

  • The list of students at a Canvas site's "People" page is live/active data - for a student to appear in your course, and in the Canvas role of "Student," they must have registered for it.
  • Students who drop your course will have their enrollment concluded automatically and will be tagged as "inactive" at the site's "People" page. Inactive students may continue to display at the "People" page up through Week 3. If you have questions about this, please submit a support request to Academic Technologies staff via help.evergreen.edu.
  • Students indicated as "inactive" no longer have access to the Canvas site and will not be able to receive communications through Canvas.

Waitlisted Students

  • Waitlisted students do not have access to your course until they are officially registered.
  • To request a student have temporary access as an Observer while their registration is being worked out, please submit a a support request to Academic Technologies staff via help.evergreen.edu with pertinent details.

Who Faculty can add as Users

To avoid possible FERPA mishaps, faculty do not have the ability to add users at their curricular Canvas sites.

Requests to have someone added to your site in any of the following Canvas roles may be submitted via help.evergreen.edu with pertinent details (e.g. which site are they to be added to; person's name, Evergreen email; which role)

  • Observer (needs read-access - ability to view most content at site, view Announcements, download files)
  • TA (almost same permissions as the Teacher role - program assistant, SIT, workshop facilitator)
  • Teacher (needs full edit access - e.g. faculty, instructor)

The Canvas "Student" role is reserved for people who are officially registered for an offering.

  • Canvas will seem to allow you to add people, but if that person is not associated with the offering via Banner, the add won't stick, they will get bumped out.
  • Because the Canvas "Student" role is tied with Banner, even IT staff are not able to add people in the "Student" role to a Canvas site connected with the auto-enrollment system.

How to Request Adding Program Assistants/TAs or Faculty to Your Canvas Site:

To have a Program Assistant/TA added, or another faculty member, please submit a request to Academic Technologies via help.evergreen.edu.

How to Request Adding a non-/not-yet-registered or ILC/SOS Student to Your Canvas Site:

If you need to have a student enrolled to your site who is not yet registered for your offering, please submit an LMS Access Exception Request via help.evergreen.edu.

Please Note: Limitations of the LMS Access Exception (LAE) Role

Students added via this method:

  • will not appear in the Canvas Gradebook
  • will not be able to submit work/files to online assignments
  • will not be able to interact with quizzes
  • cannot be added to a Seminar Section by faculty
    • please submit a request at help.evergreen.edu so Academic Technologies staff can do this for you.