Lynda Lab Overview
From Help Wiki
The Lynda Lab is a medium sized video production studio.
- Is equipped with a variety of lighting equipment and accessories.
- Students need to bring their own camera and camera tripod.
- Is available for students to use for academic use.
- The lab requires the proficiency badge.
- The Lynda Lab is in Evans 1350.
- From the lobby walk past the Multimedia Lab and turn left at the garbage and recycling station.
- The lab requires the Lynda Lab - Lighting Studio proficiency badge in Schedule Evergreen.
- Read the Electronic Media Lab Access page for proficiency information
- Read the Media Labs Access Policy for lab polices
- Read the Scheduling General Access Media Labs article for scheduling procedures
- Schedule time at Media Loan, the Multimedia Lab or via Self Service in Schedule Evergreen.
- Get keys from Media Loan for your scheduled time.
General Policies
- No food or drinks of any kind are allowed in the labs.
- Alcohol, drugs, vaping and smoking are not allowed anywhere in the buildings.
- Take care of yourself and remember to take a break once in a while.
- Clean up after yourself.
- Do not unplug or remove anything from the spaces.
- Make sure the door is closed and locked when you leave the lab.
- Do not leave doors propped open if the room will be temporarily unoccupied, even if you are only running to the restroom.
- Only use your scheduled time.
- Return keys and equipment promptly to Media Loan or to the Library Circulation Desk.
- Reports any lab problems by following the Report a problem in a media lab procedure.
- Be courteous and respectful to the other users of the labs and all student employees.
- Follow the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities and the Social Contract.
Lynda Lab Policies
- Do not use the lighting grid without permission and training from Electronic Media staff
- Turn of the Recording light when not in use.
- Connect the iPad to the charger when done.
- Put any batteries back on the chargers.
- Put away all equipment when done.
- Only use the ladder when there is another person in the room.
- If you need help, look for a video intern in the CCAM Media Engineering across the hall or go to the Multimedia Lab 1404.
Overhead and Recording Lights
- When you walk in the door the switch for the overhead lights is to the right.
- When facing the wall, the switch on the right is for the overhead lights.
- The switch on the left is for the Recording light in the hallway.
- Turn on the Recording lights while recording to prevent interruptions
- Make sure to turn of the Recording light when done.
Wall, Curtains and Backdrops
- One wall in painted green
- One wall is painted white
- There is a black curtain and a dark green curtain that can be positioned along three of the walls.
- One wall has a hanging unit with three colors of photo back drop paper rolls
Lighting Grid
- There is a lighting grid in the ceiling of the lab.
- Do not use the light grid without permission and training from the staff
Ladder Safety
There is a ladder in the lab.
- Always inspect the ladder before use.
- Make sure the ladder feet are not excessively worn or damaged.
- Only use the ladder when there is another person in the room.
- Never use a step ladder in the closed and leaned position.
- Always make sure to fully open and engage
the spreader arms. - Move the ladder into a safe position for where you are trying to reach.
- Make sure that the ladder is stable on the floor.
- Do not step on the top two steps.
- Do not lean away from the ladder.
- Never move the ladder when anyone is on the ladder.
- Only one person on a ladder at a time.
- Face the ladder when climbing up and down.
- Do not carry materials while climbing up and down.
- If the ladder falls over do not use the ladder until it can be inspected by staff.
- Notify staff if ladder is damaged.
- Do not stand on tables or chairs.
- If you need a second ladder contact staff.
Read the Lighting Equipment in the Lynda Lab article for more detail instructions about the equipment.
- There is an iPad with the Nanlink app for controlling Nanlite lights
Nanlite MixPanel
What’s included in the Nanlite MixPanel bag:
- Nanlite MixPanel 60
- Power cable
- DC15 Adapter
- Barn Doors
Nanlite Tubes
- Two sizes of Nanlite Tubes can be found in the Lynda Lab, 2 feet and 4 feet.
- Both sizes operate the exact same way.
- These lights are rechargeable. Make sure to set them up to charge after each use.
Nanlite Forza 60C
- We have a set of 3 Nanlite Forza 60C lights with some accessories.
- These can be found in the larger black hard case.
- These lights are a bit more directional than the other lights mentioned previously.
Nanlite PavoBulb 10C
- The Lynda Lab has a set of 4 Nanlite PavoBulbs.
- These lights are quite a lot of fun, but more situational than some of the other lights in this space.
9.5’ Impact Black Stand
- This is a great one size fits all kind of stand. It extends up to 9.5 feet and can hold up to 22 pounds.
- This stand also has air-cushioning in the telescoping pole, meaning when the locking knobs are loosened, the risers will descend slowly which protects both the gear and the grip!
3’ Impact Black Stand
- This stand is a great choice for lighting things closer to the ground or getting rid of shadows.
Avenger Roller Column Stand
- This stand is a bit heavier duty than the ones listed before.
- It is also on wheels which make it easy to move around set if necessary.
Large C-Stand
- These stands come with a large gobo arm where lights can be attached.
- Flags can be used for controlling the various lighting instruments that we have here in the Lynda Lab.
- Flags can be mounted onto stands and positioned in front of lights for various effects.
- We have multiple different types of flags here in the Lynda Lab.
- Cutter (Black flag): This completely blocks light. Great for intentionally shaping light.
- Silk (Off white flag, yellow trim): Diffuses and reduces the amount of light.
- Double Scrim (Black net, red trim): Reduced amount of light by one stop.
- Wooden Cucoloris (a.k.a. Cookie): Kind of like a stencil for light, it can be used to add shapes in light (e.g. foliage effect)
Lanterns and Softboxes
- Lanterns and softboxes can be used to shape and diffuse light.
- Most of the lanterns and softboxes that can be found in the Lynda Lab are compatible with the Nanlite Forzas, with only one fitting the Nanlite MixPanel.
Paper Rollers
- The paper rollers are found hanging from the ceiling near the door to the Lynda Lab.
- They have colored pulleys next to them to roll/unroll them.
- These paper rollers are great for creating solid color backgrounds, perfect for filming interviews.
Additional Grip Gear
- Apple boxes: These can be used to prop objects up or increase the height of a subject that you are filming/photographing.
- Clamps: Used for various reasons, such as to attach gear to a stand.
- Sandbags: Can be placed on the base of a stand, helping to ensure that it does not tip over.
- Extension cords: Allows you the flexibility to place lights wherever you need in the Lynda Lab.
- Tape: Useful for taping cords down to avoid tripping.