Assessment and Grading Tools

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Using Gradebook, SpeedGrader, Outcomes and Rubics


Grades can serve as a communication tool between students and instructors and allow instructors to track the progress of students. The Gradebook stores all information about student progress in the course.


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What are Grades and the Gradebook?

What do the icons and colors in the Gradebook represent?

  • There are different icons and colors in the new Gradebook. Depending on how you grade assignments (manually or otherwise), you will see different icons or colors.
  • For more information on grading assignments, please visit the Assignments and Grades chapters in the Canvas Guides.

How do I use the Individual View Gradebook?

The Gradebook Individual View allows faculty to assess one student and one assignment at a time. Fully accessible to screen readers, this Gradebook view allows faculty to sort by section and assignment and contains all the same settings that are available in the Gradebook Grid View (the view that shows all students in a course).

How do I evaluate group work?

  • Before you can evaluate group work, you will need to create a group assignment. Learn how to view what students are doing in their groups.
  • Students can submit Google documents, Pages, and other group work as an assignment.

How do I leave comments for students in the Gradebook?

If you want to leave simple feedback for your students, you can leave a text comment directly in the Gradebook. Gradebook comments will be placed within the Discussion portion of Speedgrader™.

See also Instructure's video: "Grades Overview"

How do I view Student Interaction Reports?

Student Interactions Report allows you to see the interactions between you and those enrolled in your course.

To View an Interactions Report for the Course:
  • Click on the People tab in the Course Navigation menu
  • Click on your name in the list
  • Click on the Student Interactions Report for [Your Name] in the upper right
To View an Interactions Report for an Individual Student:
  • Click on the People tab in the Course Navigation menu
  • Click on the student's name in the list
  • Click on the Your Interactions Report with [Student's Name] in the upper right


Use SpeedGrader™ to view and grade student assignment submissions in one place using a simple point scale or complex rubric. Some document assignments can be marked up for feedback directly within the submission. You can also provide feedback to your students with text or media comments.


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How do I use SpeedGrader™?

How do I get to SpeedGrader™ from the Gradebook?

You can access SpeedGrader™ from the Gradebook in just a few clicks.

How do I hide student names in SpeedGrader™?

If you want to grade assignments without knowing who submitted them, you can hide student names in SpeedGrader™.

How do I leave feedback for my students in SpeedGrader™?

You can leave feedback for your students using text, an attached file, video, or audio.

How do I use Chrome's speech recognition feature to leave a comment in SpeedGrader™?

If you use the Google Chrome web browser to access Canvas, you can use Chrome's speech recognition feature to leave text comments on student assignments in the SpeedGrader™. Chrome's speech recognition feature turns your spoken comments into text comments.

See also Instructure's video: "SpeedGrader™ Overview"


Use Outcomes to track the mastery of learning objectives. Create nested outcomes by dragging and dropping outcomes to create structure.


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How do I create an Outcome for my course?

How do I create Outcome groups for my course?

Grouping Outcomes in a course allows for organization of multiple related Outcomes.

How do I track student progress on a Learning Outcome?

Outcome performance is recorded in Canvas for each student and her assessed artifacts, which can be any assignment aligned with an outcome.

How do I align an Outcome with a Question Bank?

Aligning outcomes to a bank of questions can provide a more accurate measurement than a single question because of the possible variety of questions and what is being measured. When applicable, you can align multiple outcomes to a question bank by aligning outcomes one at a time.


Use Rubrics to set up custom or Outcome-based assessment criteria for scoring.


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How do I create a Rubric?

How do I add a Rubric to an Assignment?

Generally speaking, Rubrics are added to Assignments when you have an Outcome inside of the Rubric that you would like to use for alignment purposes. For more information on the benefits of aligning Outcomes to Assignments, please visit the outcomes alignment lesson.

How do I align an Outcome with a Rubric?

You will need to create the outcome and rubric separately before you can align the outcome with the rubric.

How do I edit Rubric details?

This lesson will walk you through editing Rubric details.