Sound Effects Studio Overview
From Help Wiki
The Sound Effects Studio is a general access studio space that allows students to experiment with voice over, isolation recording, and Foley techniques.
- The space is equipped with a Mac Studio computer and MOTU M4 audio interface.
- You will need to check out a microphone from Media Loan to use in the space.
- Has a wide variety of noise makers, textures, toys, shoes, and instruments to use in your Foley work.
- Have a variety of floor surface for recording footsteps.
- They are available for students to use for academic use.
- The labs require the proficiency badge.
- Evans Hall 1358
- Located past the TV studio in the CCAM
- It is down a small flight of stairs.
- A wheelchair lift is available. Contact support staff if needed.
- The lab requires the Audio - Sound Effects Studio proficiency badge in Schedule Evergreen.
- Read the Electronic Media Lab Access page for proficiency information
- Read the Media Labs Access Policy for lab polices
- Read the Scheduling General Access Media Labs article for scheduling procedures
- Schedule time at Media Loan, the Multimedia Lab or via Self Service in Schedule Evergreen.
- Get keys from Media Loan for your scheduled time.
General Policies
- No food or drinks of any kind are allowed in the labs.
- Alcohol, drugs, vaping and smoking are not allowed anywhere in the buildings.
- Take care of yourself and remember to take a break once in a while.
- Clean up after yourself.
- Do not delete other students' files.
- Do not unplug or remove anything from the spaces.
- Make sure the door is closed and locked when you leave the lab.
- Do not leave doors propped open if the room will be temporarily unoccupied, even if you are only running to the restroom.
- Only use your scheduled time.
- Return keys and equipment promptly to Media Loan or to the Library Circulation Desk.
- Reports any lab problems by following the Report a problem in a media lab procedure.
- Be courteous and respectful to the other users of the labs and all student employees.
- Follow the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities and the Social Contract
- Files on computers may be deleted at the end of each quarter or as-needed.
- Always keep a backup of your work in another location.
Sound Effects Studio Policies
- No open flames or smoke allowed in the studio
- Vacuum before you leave
- Replace lids on the foley pits
- Put all noise makers away in appropriate bins
- Take everything you came in with away with you.
- If you want to contribute items they would be appreciated. Items must be approved by staff.
- The center front pit is for organics only.
- You are responsible for cleaning, sanitizing and drying the pit afterwards so plan appropriately.
- Bring towels or paper towels. The shop vac is for dry materials only.
- Always enter your name and time into the logbook, along with any problems you encounter during your time in the lab
- If you need help, go to the Multimedia Lab 1404.
- In the dock there is a folder with an orange M called Manuals that contain PDF’s of some of the manuals
- The Evergreen Help Wiki – has helpful Mixing Bench articles as well as various audio editing software cheat sheets
- Adobe Audition: Multi-track audio recording and mixing
- Ableton Live: Music Production
- Pro Tools: Multi-track audio recording and mixing.
- Premiere Pro
- Audacity: Open source audio editor.
- Waves Native Power Pack: Audio Plug-ins.
- Mac Studio and 64 GB of Ram
- 27" Dell monitor with built in webcam
- Second monitor at the computer station
- Third monitor for the Foley performer or recording artist
- The second and third monitors get the same video signal.
- Drag any windows to the second monitor and it will also show up on the performer monitor.
MOTU M4 Audio Interface
- There are 2 Mic/Line inputs.
- Gain knob controls the microphone sensitivity.
- Press the 48V button to turn on phantom power.
- The MON button sends the input directly to the output for low latency monitoring.
Headphone Amp
- The headphone output of the MOTU M4 in connected to a headphone amp.
- It has separate level controls for 4 headphones.
Studio Equipment
- Two mic stands
- Two mic cables
- Two headphones
- One headphone extender
- You need to check out microphones and additional headphones (if needed) from Media Loan
Lab Procedures
Powering On Procedure
- Turn down the monitor knob on the MOUT M4.
- Turn on the power strip located to the left edge of the desk
- Power on the computer by pressing the button on the lower left corner of the computer.
- Log in to the computer and wait for the user template to fully start up.
- The MOTU M4 Monitor knob control the signal to the speakers.
- The MOTU M4 Headphone knob sets the headphone output to the headphone amp.
- Use the headphone amp to adjust headphone levels.
- Audio Monitoring - Sound Effects Studio
File Management
All file storage on the computers is local to that computer. You need to back up your files in order to use them in another lab.
- Make a folder on the desktop to store your files.
- When working save often
- When you are done save and quit any applications you are using.
- Back up your files to:
- OneDrive
- External hard drive
- Thumb drive
- If you have a fast USB three hard drive you can work directly of your drive.
- We erase all the student files off the computers on Thursday of every eval week.
- Always back up your files