
From Help Wiki

Information on using the campus voicemail system can be found here: Voicemail quick Reference guide (PDF)

This article pertains to our legacy PBX phone system that is being replaced by Teams Phone.
Please don’t hesitate to contact the Faculty & Staff Help Desk at (360) 867-6627 with questions or concerns.

The access number for the voicemail system is:

(360) 867-6480 (Olympia)

(253) 680-3080 (Tacoma)

Voicemail is an important business tool. When a caller is given the opportunity to leave a message, they likely expect a return call within a reasonable time frame. If you are not planning on using VM or responding to messages, please contact Abraham Guz (via Teams, ext 6182 or email abraham.guz@evergreen.edu) to discuss your options.